A big move – to Finland!

I’m very happy to share that as of May 1st I have started a new position at the university of Jyväskylä in beautiful Finland. I’ll be working here as part of the DIGIMIND project led by Tiina Parviainen, in which we’ll investigate neurophysiological markers of wellbeing. The project will combine measures such as EEG with the multiple physiological recordings, both in the lab and ‘out in the wild’. I’m exited to get started with this new challenging project and cannot wait to start sharing the first results!

“Interoceptive rhythms in the brain” now out in Nature Neuroscience

The heart, lungs, and stomach all contract in their own distinct rhythms and continuous information about these rhythms is send to the brain. This ‘sensing of our internal world’ (or interoception) is tightly intertwined with how we sense and perceive the external world (exteroception). Through which pathways might such an influence take place? How far reaching is the influence of interoceptive rhythms in the brain? And what might the purpose of such an interaction be? We try to answer all this, and more, in our latest review paper “Interoceptive rhythms in the brain”, which is out now in Nature Neuroscience.